About Us

Meet Dan & Brandy, owners of Powwow Bling. 

Brandy is a member of the Mvskoke Creek Nation of Oklahoma, beader, wifey, auntie & dog-mom and started Powwow Bling as a side business in 2014. Besides having beads on the brain - Brandy enjoys reading science fiction novels, playing Sims & thrift store shopping. 

Dan is Brandy's hunka bearded hubby, dog-dad, is an avid baseball fan & can recite every lyric to every song written by Freddie Mercury. He knows next to nothing about beads aside from they make Brandy quite giddy. 

We have been married for 18 years, have lived in North Central Oklahoma for several years but NE Oklahoma will always be "home". 

We run our business out of our home which is smoke free! However, please be aware that we do use essential oil diffusers in our home and our pets do enter our workspace if you are sensitive to either. 

Our shift supervisors that make sure Dan & Brandy do their jobs correctly are Scooby (the perfect angel) & Winnie (the tiny angry dinosaur). 

We strive to ensure that you have a pleasant experience when shopping with us & appreciate you checking out our little home on the web!